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How to store Champagne?

visual article champagne conservation - Champmarket

Champagne and its uses hold no secrets for you, but do you know how to store it properly in order that its tasting will keep up all its promises?

Which temperature?

Such as any wine, champagne should be stored in a cool place at a constant temperature (ideally between 10 and 12°C). Champagne is a delicate wine, so it should not be exposed to thermal variations, and above all it should not be kept at a high temperature (above 20°C)! For the purists, the degree of hygrometry must also be high (between 60 and 70), and it is necessary to avoid noise and vibrations.

Standing or lying?

The best way to store bottles is lying down. If the bottle of champagne is not in a horizontal position, the cork, which will not be soaked, will have strong risks of drying out, which can cause gas losses and a loss of effervescence…

Which light ?

In any case, champagne deteriorates if it is exposed to light (especially daylight), the harmful effects of which are well known and the speed with which they are felt. To avoid these “light tastes”, it is therefore preferable to let the champagne rest in the dark.

1 year, 5 years or 10 years in the cellar?

As any wine, champagne can be stored for varying lengths of time depending on the type of wine. Be assured; you cannot open your champagne too soon! Indeed, the champagne houses only sell their vintages when they have reached perfect maturity and are ready to be enjoyed immediately. Under optimal storage conditions, champagne can keep its qualities for 1 to 2 years, and even up to 4/5 years for  vintages and prestigious champagnes.

What should you do if you don't have the perfect cellar?

If you don’t have a proper cellar, you can store your champagne in a bottle rack, in a place as dark as possible and as close as possible to ideal storage conditions.